Senior Advocates Program — Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County

The Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County's Senior Advocates Program serves residents age 60 and over in San Mateo County.  We offer legal advice, advocacy, and representation in the following areas:

  • Government benefits including Social Security, SSI, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, and Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAP)

  • Elder abuse

  • Consumer law and debt collection

  • Simple wills

  • Guardianships for seniors caring for young children

  • Advance health care directives, so that individuals can appoint caregivers with power of attorney to make health care decisions on their behalf.

Seniors have unique needs, as it relates to healthcare, public benefits, and life planning.  For example, this group is often the target of abuse, ranging from financial scams to physical abuse.  According to San Mateo County’s Aging and Adult Services, only 1 in 6 cases of elder abuse is reported.

In-home appointments are available to homebound persons.  For Tip Sheets on a variety of issues facing seniors, please visit our Resources for Seniors page.

For more information on Legal Aid's Senior Advocates Program:
please call (650) 558-0915. 

Legal Aid would like to thank San Mateo County Aging & Adult Services, and individual donors for their funding support of the Senior Advocates Program.