Story: A Vital Resource for Vulnerable Seniors — Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County

Legal Aid Remains a Vital Resource for Vulnerable Seniors in our Community


Lorenzo is a Spanish-speaking senior who recently had a stroke. He now relies on his adult son and his son’s family, who moved into Lorenzo’s home to care for him. As a resident of San Mateo County, Aging and Adult Services also provided Lorenzo with a social worker to make sure he and his family are supported. Lorenzo’s social worker referred him to Legal Aid SMC because she realized that he was being abused by his son, physically and financially. Worse still, the abuse was also directed at his wife and young daughter. 

With help from a Legal Aid attorney, Lorenzo secured a special restraining order for elder adults that also required his son to move out immediately and extended protections to the mother and child. Now all three are safe and can began to heal from the ordeal. 

To protect client confidentiality, all client names have been changed.