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The Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County's Teen Parents Project helps pregnant or parenting teens resolve legal issues so they can continue their educations, access medical care and other benefits, legalize their immigration status if possible, and protect themselves and their children from abuse. We help teen parents ages 19 and younger who have questions or problems concerning:

  • Child custody and visitation

  • Restraining orders and protecting oneself from abuse

  • Child support

  • Divorce and paternity

  • Emancipation

  • Guardianship

  • CalWORKS/CAlLEARN (cash aid) and food stamps

  • Medi-Cal and other health insurance programs for low-income teens and their children

  • School problems including discrimination against pregnant and parenting students

  • Immigration options for teens including U Visas (immigration benefits for crime survivors), DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, VAWA (Violence against Women Act), and SIJS (Special Immigration Juvenile Status)

Legal Aid provides confidential answers to teen parents’ questions as well as legal representation and advice, and teens are welcome to call just to ask questions. Legal Aid can also go to court with teens who need restraining or custody orders to protect themselves or their children from abuse; teens who need legal emancipation or guardianship to establish secure living situations for themselves or their children; and teens who are wrongfully denied benefits. We also help abused teens apply for immigration relief such as U Visas for themselves and their families, Special Immigration Juvenile Status (SIJS), Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Legal Aid keeps all information confidential – which means that we will not tell anyone what our teen clients tell us unless they give us permission or tell us they are planning to commit a serious crime that could hurt someone else.

Legal Aid attorneys give presentations at local schools and community agencies. Additionally, we work closely with youth organizations and San Mateo County’s public health nurses to identify those in need.

For more information on Legal Aid's Teen Parents Project:
please call (650) 558-0915 or email

Legal Aid would like to thank the State Bar of California Legal Services Trust Fund, and individual donors for their funding support of the Teen Parents Project.