The Immigrant Legal Resource Center, a Legal Aid SMC partner (CRISP Collaborative and San Mateo County Removal Defense Collaborative) and Northern California nonprofit, was featured in the New York Times for their work distributing Red Cards.
Everyone in this country has certain rights, regardless of immigration status. Earlier this month, our LIBRE team met with San Mateo County Community Affairs and Faith in Action-Bay Area to present important information about immigrant rights, community resources, and the SMC Rapid Response Hotline.
Thank you so much to everyone who makes our work possible. With the help of passionate pro bono attorneys, generous donors, and our corporate and law firm sponsors, we opened over 1,700 cases last year to serve local families. Through acts of philanthropy, we were able to ensure that our low-inome community understood their rights so they could advocate for themselves and received legal representation when their problems were to complex to solve alone. Check out our latest annual report to learn more about the impact of our services!